Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Starting Week #7: Weigh in & This Week's Challenge

Hey everyone, hope you all had a good weekend! Mine was relaxing and not really extravagant. Went ice fishing for the first time which was awesome! Besides that my whole week was pretty regular. Was stressed beyond belief for most of it actually. It's not a stress that will go away any time soon either. I would explain it to you all but it's a long story. Anyways, as you would imagine, the stress had a negative outcome on my weight loss. This week, for the first time since I started this journey, I gained weight.

Weight: 229.8     Gain: +.2lbs

Even though I only gained .2lbs, it's still a gain in my eyes and I classify this past week as a failure. To tell you the truth, the way I ate I thought I would've gained much more than that. I only really watched what I ate about half the time. The other times I kind of stuck to it, but there were 2-3 days where I went completely overboard. It was wrong and it's a cliche to say, but I ate out of emotions. This week will be better.

My goal was half successful as well. I ate many fruits and veggies but some days it was difficult to get to the 5 servings I was looking for. Some days I ate more and other days I only ate 2 or 3. On one of the days, I made a delicious vegetable soup with carrots, celery onions, garlic and mushrooms. It was delicious and packed with vegetables.

Since I hadn't accomplished it last time, my challenge this week is again to go the gym a minimum of 3 times for a duration of 1 hour each time. I believe this is crucial at this point of my weight loss. It's getting more and more difficult to remain motivated especially with the stressful times i'm in right now. Going to the gym will allow me to gain an extra boost in losing weight and will also allow me to forget my problems for the hour that i'm there. It's the right challenge at this point in time.

That's it for now folks. Send me your positive vibes, i'll need them in more ways than one!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mike,

    Your blog is ready well written and very honest- do not let life's struggles deviate you from your goals. You just carry on, and continue the good work my friend.
