Thursday, January 12, 2012

In the Garden of Eden

I've been doing very well on my journey so far, i've given in to very little temptation if any at all. Today was no different! However, this morning I literally felt like Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden. I felt like I was being tempted to eat the forbidden "fruit". In this case, the so-called fruit was a Mars bar.

Let me start from the beginning. I'll try to keep it short. So it's 10:30 a.m. and it was time to open the restaurant. My first customer was a cheery old man. He was quite talkative and polite. All he wanted was a bag of chips and a pickle. So I serve him and he goes and sit down right in front of me. It took him about 20 minutes to eat what he bought. As he was getting ready to leave, zipping up his coat, he says "That was delicious!". I thought that was a little weird since it was just a bag of chips and a pickle. But anyways, he then approaches the counter where i'm standing and says "Now here, take this, a little treat from me to you". I saw him whip it out from the inside of a drug store bag. Its black wrapper glistened in the light. He laid it down on the counter and I stared at it for a moment. It was right there that I got this feeling like I was in the Garden of Eden. I was being tempted!

Coming back to reality, I didn't eat it! I took it and gave it to my first employee that walked in. She ate it thankfully so I didn't have to look at it all day. I felt great when all was said and done! Success is the greatest drug!

This week i've been having a few cravings. Some I gave into and most I didn't. The ones I did give into, I did so in moderation. Keeping at this journey is definitely difficult but I know that in the end it will payoff!

Keep sending me positive vibes!


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